Archive for the ‘analysis’ Category.

Spies, Narcissism, Egocentrism, and Solipsism

I was playing a birthday match1 today with jecat, and after one of the games where I was the Spy and thought I was highlit the entire game but in fact was lowlit, we got to talking about often this happens, even in elite games. In fact, the Spy often thinks the Sniper knows (or strongly suspects) […]

Zero’s Replays Trailer Teaches You How Not To Get Shot in 3 Minutes (maybe)

What, are you saying my 30+ minute rambles about the new In-Game Replays System are too long? Fine, be that way. Well, zerotka‘s got you covered. He created a short and punchy trailer for using replays on the SpyParty YouTube channel to figure out why you got highlit1 and shot, check it out: What’s that […]

Really Cool Expert Game Analysis Using Replays

I expected the community to do cool stuff with replays, but this was even better than I expected! The other day, kcmmmmm grabbed a set of replays from a match played between drawnonward and smash10101, and went through them on his stream, analyzing the games, remarking on good and bad plays, getting into the minds of the […]

A Perfect Game of SpyParty

I have a lot of stuff queued up to post about, but the other day, tytalus was playing theinfamousnolan and they were streaming both sides,1 and this game happened, and I simply had to write about it. First, since Nolan’s the Sniper in this game, you can sort of play along with him, so watch […]