Archive for the ‘chats’ Category.

PAX Prime 2014 Video Chat and Gallery

We survived PAX 2014!  Yay us! There were two big goals for SpyParty at PAX this year: Get the game to the point where when a new player sits down at the booth, all they see is the new art. This means we have all 10 new art characters playable, and a new art level set up […]

SpyParty Chat #1 – Seduce, Fingerprint, High-rise, and more!

Hey all!  checker and I decided to try something a little bit different. We had ourselves a conversation about the latest SpyParty features, we recorded it, and then I turned it into a video. We basically stole this idea from the Introversion folks, who do a similar thing for Prison Architect release notes. We mainly talked […]