Archive for the ‘competitive gaming’ Category.

l’esports d’escalier

I’m a big fan of the French term l’esprit d’escalier and its German counterpart, treppenwitz. A while back, Matthew RF Balousek posted a joke response to one of those “how do you spell esports?” threads with the most excellent l’esports d’escalier, which delighted me.1 Last week on the weekly Tuesdays at Ten on Twitch stream, I was playing […]

This Week in SpyParty: Sharing SpyParty’s Arcanum

After a hiatus, we’re back with zerotka posting to the blog! – checker Information is a valuable thing in all areas of life. The government does a great deal of work to keep ‘sensitive’ information from the public, Coca-Cola has a vault for its secret formula, and there are even rumors of secret societies like the […]

Zero’s Replays Trailer Teaches You How Not To Get Shot in 3 Minutes (maybe)

What, are you saying my 30+ minute rambles about the new In-Game Replays System are too long? Fine, be that way. Well, zerotka‘s got you covered. He created a short and punchy trailer for using replays on the SpyParty YouTube channel to figure out why you got highlit1 and shot, check it out: What’s that […]

Really Cool Expert Game Analysis Using Replays

I expected the community to do cool stuff with replays, but this was even better than I expected! The other day, kcmmmmm grabbed a set of replays from a match played between drawnonward and smash10101, and went through them on his stream, analyzing the games, remarking on good and bad plays, getting into the minds of the […]

Replays Are Here!

I just released build v0.1.3240.0 to the beta, which has some minor bug fixes, but also In-Game Replays, the coolest thing since the new art went in! I am incredibly excited about the potential for replays!  I can’t use enough exclamation points!!! Update:  zerotka made a cool trailer showing them off: I wrote about replays […]