Archive for the ‘metrics’ Category.

Joystiq E3 Party Playtest Metrics and Pics

The Joystiq Post-E3 indie game party was great and it seemed like fun was had by everybody!  Thanks a ton to Joystiq for putting it on!  It was good to see a bunch of cool indie games in attendance, like Monaco, Retro City Rampage, Z0MB1ES, and Q.U.B.E. Hopefully this tweet by party-goer Andrew Schmidt is […]

Location, Location, Location

It is true: I should be working on the game right now. But I couldn’t resist more beta data!  Here are 5,871 geolocated SpyParty Early-Access Beta IP addresses: A few things of interest: I started to color code the points by the time they registered, and then I thought I’d do a gif animation over […]

Beta Data

Everybody likes data, right?  Well, here’s a random collection of it from the past day and half of the SpyParty Early-Access Beta Sign Up… At 17:05:12 PDT on 2011/5/11, somebody named Steven, whose IP address is from Florida, became the 5,000th person to sign up for SpyParty beta access.  Thanks Steven, and everybody else too!  […]

Action Test, Seduce Target, and New Maps Playtest Reports

Tonight we did the first playtest of the new Seduce Target mission and the new maps I’ve been working on for the GDC build.  I also realized I never wrote up the results of the Action Test playtest session, so I’ll stick those in here as well. The Action Test Mechanic I playtested the Action […]

Know Your Enemy, Especially if He or She Has a Sniper Rifle

The fellow on the right looks like a pretty nice guy, no?  Well, take my advice: don’t go to a party where he is lurking outside. Meet Paul and Ian, my elite SpyParty playtesters. Both have played around 10 hours of SpyParty across multiple sessions.  They’ve played the game more than anybody else, including me […]