Archive for the ‘press’ Category.

Size Doesn’t Matter Day

This is one of a set of articles all published on Tuesday, August 17th, 2010, the inaugural Size Doesn’t Matter Day organized by Jamie Cheng from Klei, where game developers talk about how the length of a game is or isn’t important relative to its other merits.  Links to all the ones I know about […]

Come to PAX and play Monaco and SpyParty!

Been waiting to play SpyParty? Convinced your best friend would always pick the Kung Funky dude in the nehru suit when it’s his turn to be the Spy and you want to shoot him before he bugs the Ambassador? Annoyed that all the game journalists have gotten to play it and you haven’t? Well, now’s […]

SpyParty E3 “Competitive” Analysis

I’m not an economist, so I could be completely wrong here, but I don’t think games (or works in any art and entertainment form, whether film, music, books, whatever) really compete against each other in the usual sense of the term “compete”. Yes, if you ship on the exact same day as a big hit, […]

A couple interviews…

Martin Davies from PC Gamer UK just posted an interview with me to accompany his SpyParty preview in the print magazine where I talk a bit about some of the aesthetic goals for the game and how it got started: And, Alice Bonasio from The Escapist posted an interview/article about games as an art form and […]

SpyParty in PC Gamer UK Issue 214

According to this, the new PC Gamer UK has a SpyParty preview? Anybody have a scan of it? Update: As you can see in the comments, Simples was awesome and scanned it for us!