Archive for the ‘community’ Category.

The SpyParty Competitive League is now a Thing

As anybody who follows SpyParty knows, I’m drowning in stuff to do making the game, so sometimes (often?)1 I drop the ball with organizing things, so it’s so amazing to have a super-supportive community that pick up the slack and do a lot of the organizing that’s necessary for competitive play! Hardcore camping-sniper and in-spite-of-that all-around great person and […]

Bay Area Folks! Day of the Devs is Tomorrow, Saturday, Nov 7!

If you live in or near the San Francisco Bay Area, come over to Day of the Devs tomorrow, Saturday, November 7th, 2015! What is Day of the Devs you ask? It’s a really fun and free video game exhibition and show and circus and whatnot, kind of like a mini-PAX expo hall, but free […]

The Spectation Update Update

Update:  Well, I decided to try to get the curated replay set streaming in, as mentioned below, and it’s turning out to be harder than I thought, so it’s taking a bit longer.  It’s late Saturday night as I type this, and I’m not sure I’m going to make Sunday, wish me luck! Check out […]

New Art Tournament Final Match Cast

If you’re not yet in the SpyParty beta or if you are but don’t check the (awesome) private beta forums,1 you may not know there was a tournament going on for the past few months. As usual, since I’m too discombobulated to do much of anything, it was a beta-tester organized tourney. This time around, bloom put it […]

l’esports d’escalier

I’m a big fan of the French term l’esprit d’escalier and its German counterpart, treppenwitz. A while back, Matthew RF Balousek posted a joke response to one of those “how do you spell esports?” threads with the most excellent l’esports d’escalier, which delighted me.1 Last week on the weekly Tuesdays at Ten on Twitch stream, I was playing […]