Archive for the ‘release notes’ Category.

SpyParty Chat #1 – Seduce, Fingerprint, High-rise, and more!

Hey all!  checker and I decided to try something a little bit different. We had ourselves a conversation about the latest SpyParty features, we recorded it, and then I turned it into a video. We basically stole this idea from the Introversion folks, who do a similar thing for Prison Architect release notes. We mainly talked […]

The New Gallery Map!

The new map, Gallery, is out in the latest build! The design goal for this map was to make it long and narrow with a lot of dynamic occlusion caused by the partygoers. It seemed to work pretty well, we played it during the release notes stream, where I did two different “birthday games”, the […]

Replays Are Here!

I just released build v0.1.3240.0 to the beta, which has some minor bug fixes, but also In-Game Replays, the coolest thing since the new art went in! I am incredibly excited about the potential for replays!  I can’t use enough exclamation points!!! Update:  zerotka made a cool trailer showing them off: I wrote about replays […]

Release Notes for 3076 and 3091! (Let’s forget about 3075, shall we?)

Here’s the latest release notes stream, co-hosted by virifaux.  It is just release notes.  It is not 2 hours and 44 minutes of me trying to fix showstopper bugs live on stream.1 These builds were a long time coming because I had to re-do the entire inside of the game in preparation for spectation and […]

The New Art is Out!

Despite my best intentions to do it “right after PAX“, I finally released the new artwork into the wild this week! Yes, if you are already a beta tester, just run SpyParty and connect to the lobby and you’ll get the update automatically, and if you’re not a beta tester, and want to check out […]